Building a sustainable and profitable business

Running a good company is all about balancing stable growth and building a profitable business without compromising natural, social, and economic resources. Wunderdog conducts business that creates sustainable, long-term value for all our stakeholders: employees, shareholders, and society.

Corporate and social responsibility

Wunderdog wants to be a compliant community member and treat employees fairly and respectfully.

  • We practice open decision-making processes to ensure accountability, fairness, and transparency in management.

  • We offer complete tech solutions to enable digital technology adoption to all organizations, even without their own tech resources.

  • We support the development of the IT community through our Open Source Program and meetups for knowledge-sharing and networking.

  • We nurture a sustainable company culture. We promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, and have a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination and harassment.

To help solve the talent and gender gap in tech and make technology accessible to everybody, we participate in movements such as Mimmit koodaa (Women Code -program), Minty Education, YesWeTech, and Techstart. We are also a supporting member of Women in Tech Finland.

Carbon neutral Wunderdog

Wunderdog’s goal is to be carbon neutral by 2025 and we are calculating our yearly carbon footprint together with Green Carbon. In 2023 our actions to reduce our footprint include:

  • Reducing the relative footprint of services (collecting the carbon footprint data from all our service providers), and creating a policy for making sustainable purchases

  • Reducing flights between offices and compensating flight emissions

  • Making sustainable everyday work-life decisions from food served at our events to cleaning and recycling systems

We want to lead by example and encourage our employees by actively involving them in our sustainability initiatives, and supporting our common sustainability goals through activities like Earth Hour and Finland’s national energy-saving campaign Down a Degree, and using the Evergreen Planting Trees for Peer Recognition -system.

The people and the environment around us matter. Taking good care of them is our duty as a company committed to our present and future.

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